Wednesday, May 4, 2011

To Breath The Same Air

  I was going to write about Time. Then I was going to write about my personal symbol (an equalateral triangle with a yin-yang inside). But the Gods conspired (breathed the same air) and I wrote neither. Or rather the one I did write got erased, humm. Instead I had an unexpected , but always delightful, conversation with a very dear friend.
  Together we conspire about a great many topics; physics, chemestry, biology, religion(s), aliens, pretty much you name it. And though we do not always agree, I, in all ways,value his view. After we were both on our third brew we both got a little more assertive in our views, and for me that is OK. One of our topics was that of conspiracyist.
  The word conspire literally means 'to breath the same air'. All aerobes on this mud ball planet out here in the ghettoes of this insignificant galaxy breath the same air. Figuritively, the term refers to two or more humans putting thier heads together for or against a particular cause. I, at one point in this life, loved to point my finger at those I deemed 'evil doers' ;i.e. they seemed to be working against that which I was/am for. I have since come to the conclusion that the 'evil doers' wern't/aren't against me, they are for themselves. And that, too, is OK. After all do we not all conspire together?
  My woes are just that, mine. I cannot blame another, atleast not 'justly'. My gains are just that, mine. I,and I alone, am re-sponsible for my life. Yes, there may be those who 'conspire' for thier own ends, that does not mean, however, that they 'conspire' against me or mine. I have my ways and my views, which are endlessly- mutable, but, 'mine is not the better way, it is just another way' (CWG).  Enough for now.

That which Is is all that Is.